
  1. Solar
  2. Utility
  3. Lighting and Transportation
  4. Telecom
Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Our planning sets you up for success long before any actual emergencies occur.
Emergencies happen. And our veteran team gets you up and running again.
Our Markets
  • Our global and nationwide team of veteran pilots, linemen, NDTs, and engineers are ready when you need them most—in some cases, in less than two hours.
  • Fully ASCENDTM certified field crews for UAS safety plus the skills to gather the exact details you need to expedite recovery.
  • 75+ years of infrastructure experience and services to assess damage and get you back in service as quickly as possible.
  • Our tech-based inspections and precision mapping services take the guesswork out of determining where and how resources need to be deployed.
  • The latest emergency response technologies, leveraging a nationwide FAA Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) waiver and multi-hour-capable drones, our pilots can gather precise detail that far exceeds traditional methods.
  • Fully ASCEND certified field crews for UAS safety plus the skills to gather the exact details you need to expedite recovery.
  • The Valmont team of veteran pilots, linemen, NDTs, and engineers is always at-the-ready to assess damage and develop a plan to get you up and running again.
  • Emergency preparedness services including inspection and mapping to ensure system readiness and reliability.
  • Specialized tools such as LiDAR scanning services detect and measure risk of changes that occur over time.
  • Valmont global and nationwide coverage assures fast response times—in some cases, in as little as two hours.
  • Pilots equipped and trained to work in day or night conditions.
  • Extreme expertise for fast onsite structure surveys and assessments—day or night—using both visible and thermal cameras.
  • With a nationwide Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) waiver and multi-hour drones to gather the right details as we help expedite recovery.
  • Valmont is fully ASCEND certified for the ultimate safety and expertise.
  • All Valmont field crews have—at minimum—OSHA 30 and FEMA ICS and NIMS certifications.
  • The Valmont team of veteran pilots, linemen, NDTs, and engineers are always at-the-ready to deploy, perform damage assessments, as well as to develop a successful plan to get you back online.
  • Performance technology-based inspections and mapping services, including LiDAR scanning services can detect changes quickly to determine where and how to best deploy resources.
  • With the Valmont nationwide team of pilots and inspectors, response times are as fast as two hours.
  • The Valmont emergency response tools leverage a nationwide FAA BVLOS waiver and multi-hour capable drones for the best situation evaluation and assessment available.
  • The Valmont team of veteran pilots, tower technicians, NDTs, and engineers are always at-the-ready to deploy, perform damage assessments and develop a successful plan toward normal operations.
  • Our performance technology-based inspections and mapping services such as Valmont’s LiDAR scanning services help detect changes quickly, measure the risk, and prioritize resources.
  • Our global and nationwide coverages mean response time can be as fast as two hours.
  • Our ASCEND certified field crews can quickly survey structures and surrounding areas with both visible and thermal cameras, and make rapid assessments which in real time are prioritized by risk and shared with customers.
Our emergency response services include:
Emergency Response Tools
Valmont® drone pilots perform reconnaissance flights for the most accurate and reliable data enhanced by RGB (visible), IR thermal, UV, and LiDAR scanning. Our field data collection system allows for near-real-time analysis and reporting.
Certified Performance
Our field crews are more than pilots. They are all ASCEND certified to ensure you have all of the infrastructure details. With a minimum OSHA 30 and FEMA ICS and NIMS certifications, and global and nationwide coverage, our response times are typically less than eight hours—and less than two hours for customers with service agreements.

Ready wherever and whenever you need us; in some cases , in less than two hours. With 75+ years of infrastructure experience, tech-based inspections and precision mapping that takes the guesswork out of getting you back online.


Inspection and mapping means our emergency response crews can assess and locate issues—often before they even arise. Global and nationwide coverage assures the fastest response times—from 2 to 8 hours.

Lighting and Transportation

Our 75+ years of infrastructure experience combines with our veteran crew of pilots, linemen, NDTs and engineers who understand how to deploy and perform damage assessments. The most sophisticated LiDAR scanning services detect changes quickly.


The Valmont team of veteran pilots, tower technicians, NDTs and engineers are always at the ready to keep your customers connected with the least amount of interruption. Tools such as LiDAR scanning allow our global and nationwide crews to respond and resolve issues—sometimes even before they happen.



Map section
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Nullam semper felis sed ipsum interdum ornare. Vivamus vehicula sapien at tortor porttitor euismod. Aliquam vitae justo mollis, ultrices sapien vel, fermentum eros. Fusce turpis libero, volutpat auctor nulla quis, condimentum bibendum elit. Cras hendrerit rutrum enim vel aliquam. Nullam nec justo posuere risus non, dignissim augue.
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Fusce ac erat quis eros tincidunt non dui molestie suscipit.
Valmont Aerial Solutions
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