
  1. Utility
  2. Lighting and Transportation
Cranes, bucket trucks and climbing have long been the tools of trade. Now there’s a better way. Valmont® aerial maintenance services are solving even more complex problems in a safer, more reliable, more efficient and ever more strategic way.
Cleaning and repairing coatings at height is a challenge and our unique drone technology helps you solve it.
Our Markets
  • Our proprietary at-height, drone-based maintenance services, are safer, faster, more effective and more affordable than traditional terrestrial or even airborne methods.
  • Completely drone-based, self-contained systems eliminate the need to de-energize infrastructure.
  • Our WaterDragon technology removes debris and contamination from virtually any structure to improve the uptime of your utility system.
  • Our SafeGuard drone system is also a unique process that effectively repairs, neutralizes rust, prepares the surface and applies the coating for a life expectancy of up to 15 years.
  • Maintenance at-height has never been safer, faster, more effective, and more affordable. 
  • The Valmont WaterDragon, our proprietary drone-based maintenance system takes care of cleaning and repairing coatings at height.
  • Completely self-contained systems eliminate the need to de-energize systems, while keeping personnel out of harm's way.
  • The SafeGuard process repairs coatings, neutralizes rust, preps surfaces and applies a coating—and it lasts up to 15 years.
  • The Valmont WaterDragon and SafeGuard UAS-based systems are designed to maintain infrastructure even in your most challenging locations, including busy urban areas, event centers, and parks where traditional methods would be impractical, if not downright impossible.
Our aerial maintenance services include:
Contamination happens. Left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on your systems. Our specialized drones are clean and improve the effectiveness and aesthetics of virtually any structure. They remove the most challenging build-up, including salt spray and avian deposits from lighting, cameras, etc.
Our system is uniquely designed to repair, neutralize rust, prep surfaces and apply the coating itself, while keeping workers safely on the ground. Once in place, SafeGuard can protect your infrastructure for up to 15 years.

Faster and safer than traditional terrestrial or even other airborne methods—and there is not need to de-energize infrastructure. Debris and contamination are removed without disruption. When coating repair is needed, our process repairs, neutralizes rust, preps the surface and applies a coating that stands the test of time—up to 15 years.

Lighting and Transportation

Cleaning and repairing coatings at height has now safer and more effective than ever before. Completely self-contained, the Valmont WaterDragon & SafeGuard eliminates the climbing or using heavy equipment, keeping your crew safely on the ground. Maintain infrastructure even in the most challenging environments, including heavily trafficked urban areas, event centers and parks where traditional methods can be impractical and even impossible.

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Valmont® Aerial Solutions
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